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Housepainters Dominic Pacifico and Justin Christopher acquire distracted by their cocks in the next scene. That chub flashes some sultry looks towards the camera as that guy jerks himself to climax, coating his pubes with fresh-from-the-tap cream. In the next scene, muscular Marcos Pirelli undresses and strokes his uncut cock to erection. Joey then accepts on his back, legs in the air, so that Derrick can plow his hollow while Derrick jerks off Joey’s cock to orgasm, then unites his own weight to the mix. In a fantastic surprise, the usually (but not at all times top) Derrick takes it up the ass in an aggressive pounding in the back of a pickup truck. Joey blows Derrick’s hard cock formerly Derrick returns the favor on Joey, who keeps on his jockstrap. In the first episode, Derrick Han and Joey Russo cool off after their morning run by getting down and filthy with every other. It’s a short and uncomplicated title, an understatement not quite just, of the big-dicked and famished men this star. They take sensual men, hook em up, and what usually results is unimaginable sex, Boners is a great example. Raging Stallion has a formula for success.

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Genres: Fellatio, Anal, Safe sex, Cum shots, Solo, Onanism Cast: Matthieu Paris, Huessein, Tamas Eszterhazy, Marcos Pirelli, JD Kollin, Justin Christopher, Rafael Alencar, Francois Sagat, Dominic Pacifico, Derrick Hanson, Joey Russo

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